Sally Kormann

Senior Support

A photo of Sally Kormann

Sally was born and raised in Hanover. She is married and lives just outside of town where she and her partner Cathy enjoy the space and tranquility of country living. She has four daughters, three son-in-laws and one grand daughter. Sally has been a part of Grace United since she was thirteen years old. She graduated from Fanshawe College in Early Childhood Teacher Education and began her career working predominantly with children and their families. Sally has always enjoyed spending time with seniors, and has found working as Senior’s Coordinator to be both fun and fulfilling. As well as her work in the church, she teaches piano, does supply work for the BWDSB and works at The Early Years Centre. When she is not working, you might find her on the tennis courts, out kayaking, playing volleyball, snowshoeing, doing yoga or singing in the church choir. Her most favourite place to be is in Southampton, her “little piece of heaven”.